there are a lot of questions which one cannot answer in ones life, in my life too i am unable to answer a lot of questions. ...lol...
anyways Ive been working in IBM since the 24th (i think)...dunno my exact purpose but IBM is training me real hard ..lol..actually im supposed to be at work right now...but this is how things work at ibm i guess....they give us enough time in the work place to do our required free timepass stuff like writin blogs...lol
Things are very different here and surprisingly all the employees seem to be happy....its funny to me how that is possible that ALL OF US ARE HAPPY..i hear that we earn the same as a pizza boy abroad..not to complain as we are still training and not having done any work as of now i shd be the last one to complain!!...hopefully when ma training is done i will be able to live up to the ibm standards and start doing instead of talking...lol...
Surprisingly I feel that i fit in here just right...really surprisingly...lol...even though this COBOL language is breaking my head and out rcm test is coming up i feel satisfied in ma current work place....surprisingly...
ofcourse i miss goa my home but who dosent.,,..specially when uve been brought up in a place like goa!...Just cant wait till december when i can oficially go back and visit ma family....lol..
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